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What is dental diastema? Causes and treatment

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A dental diastema is the name given to the space between teeth, which is often most noticeable between the two front teeth in the upper jaw area. Its causes can vary depending on the patient and its treatments are usually very safe to carry out.

Do you think you have this condition? Read on to find out. what is diastema, and how you could move forward in your treatment.

Dental diastema, disease or condition?

In general terms, a dental diastema It is the space between the teeth. That is why it is normal to hear this term in relation to mammals (especially herbivores). 

In their cases, it is entirely beneficial, as it serves the function of ensuring that food moves towards the cheek so that food ingestion can continue without slowing down.

However, can humans also have a diastema in teethThe answer is yes, and in the case of humans, it is considered an “abnormal” or unusual development of the teeth since, according to specialists, there should not be such a space between them.

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Cultural opinions and aesthetics of dental diastema

Some cultures today, especially in Africa, consider a diastema to be a sign of attractiveness and seduction. In other countries, such as France, they are even called lucky teeth, while in Australia, it is believed that children with them can predict future wealth.

However, we know that not everyone has the same opinion about having a diastema and for some people it represents a condition that generates stress and insecurity, leading them to not smile at all or not speak naturally, so it ends up becoming an aesthetic issue.

If you are at this point, our first recommendation is that you know the causes of a dental diastema. If this is your child's case, it would be much more beneficial since it will help you know how to prevent this condition from repeating in their other teeth..

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Dental diastema: causes

According to specialized dentistry, the ideal is that there are no spaces between the teeth and that the adjacent surfaces touch each other once the permanent teeth erupt.

However, sometimes the gaps between the teeth do not close completely. This specific condition usually occurs when there is a disproportionate connection between the size of the teeth and the jaw.

According to a Research published in Folia Morphologica in 2017, diastema could also be caused by the following factors:

  • Irregularities that the frenulum between the upper front teeth may have.
  • Supernumerary teeth or excessive number of teeth.
  • Very small teeth or microdontia, as it is also known.
  • Hypodontia or missing teeth due to genetics.
  • Badly placed or large tongue.
  • Gum disease and gum recession.

Dental diastema: treatment

A dental diastema It can be corrected in different ways and the alternatives depend on the patient. In the case of children, the gap may close on its own, but if the pediatric dentist considers that the gap is occurring due to some risk of gum disease, he or she may start treatment to work on controlling the disease.

If the condition is due to a low or high frenulum, or due to a cyst, it is also likely that our dental surgery specialist will propose the possibility of correcting it through an outpatient surgical intervention.

In adulthood, if the diastema is due to missing teeth, our dentist may suggest the use of implants or fixed crowns, or the use of resin when the procedure is desired to be minimally invasive and the condition allows it.

The orthodontics It is also a great option to completely eliminate this dental opening, since this procedure seeks to correct the dental malposition.

In Oral Studio We are experts in restoring and designing smiles, if you suffer from dental diastema Agenda Make an appointment now and we will find the ideal procedure that will restore functionality and aesthetics to your teeth.

Remember that we are the #1 in aesthetic dentistry in MedellinWe have extensive experience and guarantee the best results in Smile design in Medellin, teeth whitening, dental implants, oral rehabilitation and much more.

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