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5 Reasons why gums bleed

dental clinic medellin, Oral Studio, periodontics, Why do gums bleed?, Dental procedures

5 Reasons why gums bleed

Why are my gums bleeding? Given this internal alarm in our mouth, it is important to know the reasons why our gums bleed, since you could be at risk of suffering from some periodontal disease.

When we talk about oral health, we usually think only about taking care of our teeth. However, it is important not to forget to keep our gums in good condition, as they are a very important part of our teeth that requires special care.

The main cause of bleeding gums is gingivitis, an oral disease characterized by inflammation of the gums that, if not treated promptly and appropriately, can have serious consequences for the patient's oral health.

However, there are other reasons why gums hurt, including:

1. Bacterial plaque. It generally originates When the brushing technique is not applied properly, dental floss and mouthwash are not used daily, andThe accumulation of food debris together with the microorganisms present in the mouth cause the gums to become inflamed, which is known as Gingivitis.

2. Vitamin deficiencyIf your dentist rules out poor dental hygiene as one of the causes of your bleeding gums, it is pertinent to review your diet. Deficiencies in vitamins K and C can cause bleeding gums, leading to gingivitis if not treated promptly.

3. SmokingSmoking is one of the most important risk factors related to bleeding gums and has been proven to promote the development of periodontal disease.

4. DiabetesAccording to the American Diabetes Association, people with diabetes who have high blood glucose levels are at greater risk of developing infections, including gum disease, and may even lose teeth.

5. Hormonal changes. You may be surprised to know that when your hormone levels are high, they cause increased blood flow to your gums, this is due because the oral tissue is more sensitive to these changes. It is very important that you take care of your gums, since a Prolonged inflammation in this area can lead to tooth loss.

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6. MedicationsThere are medications associated with this condition, as their consumption decreases saliva. Saliva serves to protect the mouth, and if there is not enough, it becomes susceptible to infections that cause bleeding gums. Also, some drugs such as anticonvulsants, calcium channel blockers and immunosuppressants can cause gum tissue to grow more than normal, making it difficult to keep them clean and healthy.

7. Genetic factors: Genetics is key in the predisposition and development of gum diseases. Currently, several investigations are being carried out in order to identify the genes and polymorphisms that intervene in the development of gingivitis and periodontitis.

8. Stress. The stresses of daily life and negative emotions regulate our physiological systems, including the immune system. Different studies link gum inflammation with psychosocial variables that promote the development of periodontal disease.

9. Bruxism. This disorder in some cases retracted gumsIf this occurs and oral hygiene is not correct, it can stimulate gum inflammation due to increased plaque accumulation on the exposed root of the tooth.

10. Bleeding disorders. This condition can increase the chances of bleeding gums. It is also possible that the gums will bleed more if the patient takes any type of blood thinner.

What is good for reducing gum inflammation?

It is important to note that before any symptoms of bleeding or inflammation of the gums appear, it is advisable to go to a dentist, so that he or she can evaluate you and make a diagnosis. as soon as possible.

Generally, treatment consists of performing a superficial or deep cleaning depending on the case, accompanied by instructions for proper oral hygiene and prescription of medication if necessary.

Therefore, once the conditions are controlled, bleeding gums and inflammation, medical indications must be followed in full, using proper oral hygiene and regular maintenance visits with your dentist.

At Oral Studio we have expert specialists to treat gum diseases, we will carry out an evaluation and we will give you the appropriate therapeutic guidelines to treat your case and achieve restore your oral health. Communicate We will gladly assist you with any questions you may have.

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